Two letters
from Howard Carter to A. H. Gardiner

Concept & Direction: Jaromir Malek
Transcript: Nicola Harrington
Editing: Jaromir Malek
Scanning: Jenni Navratil
Coordination: Elizabeth Fleming

1st letter, page 1

April 29th 1923.

Dear Gardiner,

Yours of the 22nd. to hand - I have sent the "petit renseignement" regarding the foot-panels of the three couches to Jéquier - that is as far as I could they being in semi-packed condition awaiting careful examination. They appear to bear only the <> device in place of the Bes and Thoueris theme commonly upon bedsteads.
I have today sent to you per post a fragment of plaster

1st letter, page 2


bearing seal impressions from the famous sealed door for your son - it is a small fragment suitable for the post only - other wise later I will let you have a better piece.

Trust your sojourn will be of interest - here it is stoking up like nothing on earth and I fear we shall have to leave the larger objects until next autumn.

In regard to the inscriptions I have copied all - so with Burton's photo records all will be well with the exception of the small label which I am bringing home to England with me.

1st letter, page 3

Best wishes to you


Howard Carter

2nd letter, page 1



Nov. 17. 1926.

Dear Gardiner,
Many thanks for yours of the 6th. I am glad to hear you are coming out this winter, as there will be several important hieratic dockets requiring your skill. Also some dates which are not at all clear.
The storeroom is proving of great interest, especially from religious import and funeral cult point of view. The black chests prove to contain statuettes of the king in various forms, holy duties, pursuits, etc., together with various gods and standards, some of which I am not at all familiar with: for instance <>, <>, <> and <>. Can you give me some information of these afrîts? The latter obviously Shu but I do not understand the ending (?) region hr. Is Gmhsw of the 10th Lower Eg. nome? Etc.
The other boxes contain masses of jewellery and I seem to

2nd letter, page 2

have got the greater part, if not all, of the cult object of Anubis. <> whm as an amulet seems new and containing a puzzle to me - any light you can throw upon the subject will deeply oblige for an intelligent description. From the material so far removed to the lab. one is becoming quite a part master in trituration and brewing!
With best wishes & regards to you
With yours truly
Howard Carter

I am looking forward to your Grammar. Vol. II of Tut.ankh.Amen will be out in January - where would you like your copy sent? H.C.