Introduction to 'The Search for Tutankhamun'

The website demonstrates that the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun by Howard Carter in November 1922 was not accidental but the result of a combination of a well-reasoned systematic search and exceptional archaeological intuition. It is remarkable that Carter's inclination was always to return to the area where the tomb was eventually discovered.

1. The transcript.
This is based on Carter's Notebook E. Its accuracy can be checked by clicking on the 'Journal of Excavations' in the right top-corner and comparing it with the scans of the original hand-written Notebooks.
The coments in italics have been added by us and are intended as a help for the users of the website.

2. The photographs.
The photographs which can be connected with a specific excavation season are listed, in a chronological order, under the heading of the appropriate season (and, in some cases, there are also links to these photographs in the transcipt). A list of the photographs which are not dated is given at the end of the listing of the seasons.
The whole photographic documentation can be easily surveyed in the Gallery of photographs in which all pictures are listed in the order of the Griffith Institute numbers. The Gallery also contains links to concordances of photographs based on Carter's numbering of these photographs, as well as links to panoramic views and views showing the progress of excavation.

3. The maps.
The Index of Maps lists all Carter's maps which were used in the compilation of this database. In most cases, Carter wrote a map reference next to the find number in his Notebook. In the transcript, this is linked to the appropriate square of Carter's map where the find is underlined in red.
Maps of the Valley of the Kings, based on B. Porter and R. L. B. Moss, Topographical Bibliography, which show the areas where Howard Carter worked during the 2nd to 5th seasons (and also the beginning of the 6th, the Tutankhamun season), have been added by us. The current area is indicated in red, while areas previously worked on are marked in green.

Gregor Neunert and Jaromir Malek