Index of Maps
(used for this database)

Carter's Maps 1915-1922
with indications of find-spots

(as catalogued in the Griffith Institute)

Carter: Squares G. 20-21, H. 20-21
Carter: Sq. I. 22-25, J. 22-25

I.G. 52 left

Carter: Sq. I. 14-16, J. 14-16, K. 14-16
Carter : Sq. L. 14-16, M. 14-16, N. 14-16
Entrance to the tomb of Amenophis III (foundation deposits)

Carter's Map of the Valley of the Kings 1915

The West and the East Valleys

Other Maps

The East Valley of the Kings,
from B. Porter and R. L. B. Moss,
Topographical Bibliography
(2nd ed.), i Pt. 2, plan ii.
Variants of this map are used to show the locations of Carter's excavation sites during the seasons 1915 to 1922.