Griffith Institute: Carter Archives - 351-6
The Griffith Institute
Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
The Howard Carter Archives
Photographs by Harry Burton
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Carter No.: 351

Handlist description: Faldstool

Card/Transcription No.: 351-6


Of particular interest are the inscriptions - the designations of the king - upon the back-panel of this chair. First of all, below the Aten disc are the two cartouches containing the Aten apellations. These are phrased in the later from and may be translated: "Re lives, Ruler of the Horizon, who rejoices on the Horizon in his name 'Re, the Father, who has returned as Aten'". Inlaid on either side of the Nekhebet vulture are the prenomen and Aten nomen of the king - Neb.kheperu.Re Tut.ankh.Aten, surmouned by simple carnelian discs. Below, upon the ivory and ebony panels, we find various designations of the king giving the Aten and Amen forms of his nomen. These inscriptions are in their pristine state - in all cases the Aten form of the nomen remains unchallenged. The chair is thus an important historical document with regard to the politico-religeous vacillations of the reign. Its characteristics seem to be those of the El Amarna workshops, and from the fact the Aten and Amen elements occur side by side, it would appear that the king's return to the older faith was gradual in transition and not spontaneous. Behind, to give rigidity to this folding-stool form of chair, upright supporting laths are fixed to the back-panel, the seat, and the lower foot-bar. The upper rail and supporting laths of the back-panel are also inscribed with designations of the king which include both the Aten and the Amen form of his name. The back of the panel is overlaid with thin sheet gold, and upon it, finely embossed, is a large vulture with drooping wings, surmounted by the sky-sign, the uzat-eyes and nefer nefru.

Card no. 351-6 relating to Carter no. 351
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Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
Concept & Direction: Jaromir Malek
Web Page & Database Designs: Jonathan Moffett
Scanning & transcript: Sue Hutchison, Elizabeth Miles, Diana Magee, Kent Rawlinson