The Griffith Institute
Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
The Howard Carter Archives
Photographs by Harry Burton
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Carter No.: 179

Handlist description: Group of divers objects including bones, fragments of pottery, fragment of ivory box, wooden label, two clay seals

Card/Transcription No.: 179

179. Group of divers objects.

Position: Lying on ground, beside east wall of tomb-chamber, near doorway of store-chamber.

Description: 7 Ribs, shoulder blade, 2 vertibrae, and a leg bone of an ox. 2. heads of (?)halfa grass used (?) as a broom. 2. Red pottery saucers containing some black dust and charcoal. 5. Frags of red pottery potsherds. 1. Frag. of ivory box. 1. wooden label bearing an hieratic inscription (very illegible) 2. clay seals.

The clay seals bear the following device:

<>See No. 178 and 178a.

Card no. 179 relating to Carter no. 179
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Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
Concept & Direction: Jaromir Malek
Web Page & Database Designs: Jonathan Moffett
Scanning & transcript: Sue Hutchison, Elizabeth Miles, Diana Magee, Kent Rawlinson