Results List for statue - (hits/occ.: 21)
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Carter No. Description in Murray-Nuttall Handlist No. of
022 Large statue in black and gold 5/17
029 Large statue in black and gold 4/21
054ee Statuette of hard crystalline limestone 2/2
054ff Blue glass statuette 2/2
054vv Statuette of glazed stone 2/1
092f Ivory feet from statuette (?) 2/0
108 Golden shrine, for statuettes (? two) 10/17
108a Stand for statuette 1/5
235a Gold stick surmounted by statuette 4/18
235b Silver stick surmounted by statuette 4/6
266 Wooden canopy on sledge with statues of Isis, Nephthys, Neith and Selket 17/43
275a Statuette of the King as the young Horus 1/2
275b Statuette of the King 1/3
275c Statuette of the King upon a reed float 1/4
275d Statuette of the King 1/4
275e Statuette of the King upon a reed float 1/1
280a Statuette of Imsety 3/2
281a Statuette of Mamu 4/3
289a Statuette of the King upon a leopard 2/5
289b Statuette of the King upon a leopard 2/12
320c Solid gold statuette of Amenophis III 1/3

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Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
Concept & Direction: Jaromir Malek
Web Page & Database Designs: Jonathan Moffett
Scanning & transcript: Sue Hutchison, Elizabeth Fleming, Diana Magee, Kent Rawlinson

page created: Tue Apr 23 16:23:44 2024