Results List for stick - (hits/occ.: 125)
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Carter No. Description in Murray-Nuttall Handlist No. of
041a Bronze and wood candlestick 3/12
041b Bronze and wood candlestick 2/11
041c Bronze and wood candlestick 2/11
041d Bronze and wood candlestick 2/11
048a Stick with crook composed of bound African prisoner 3/7
048b Stick with crook composed of bound African prisoner 3/9
048c Stick with crook composed of bound African prisoner 3/8
048d Stick with crook composed of bound Asiatic and African prisoners back to back 3/9
048e Straight stick with gilt top 2/7
048n Straight stick decorated with coloured barks 3/7
048o Straight stick decorated with coloured barks 3/7
048p Straight stick decorated with coloured barks 3/9
048q Straight stick decorated with coloured barks 3/7
048r Straight stick decorated with coloured barks 2/7
048s Straight stick decorated with coloured barks 3/7
048t Straight stick decorated with coloured barks 2/7
048u Straight stick decorated with coloured barks 3/7
048v Straight stick decorated with coloured barks 2/7
048w Straight stick decorated with coloured barks 3/9
050v Stick of hard, dark wood 1/0
050w Stick of hard, dark wood, almost black 1/0
050x Stick of hard, dark wood 1/0
050y Stick of hard, dark wood 1/1
050z Stick of hard wood 1/0
050aa Stick of hard, dark wood 1/0
050bb Stick of hard, dark wood 1/0
050cc Stick of hard, dark wood 1/0
050kk Stick of hard, dark wood 1/0
050ll Similar stick, but thickening below knob 1/0
050mm Similar stick 1/0
050nn Stick of light brown wood 2/1
050oo Short stick of hard, dark, knobbly wood 1/2
050pp Bent stick of hard, dark wood 2/0
050qq Thin stick of light wood with reddish bark 1/0
050uu Ceremonial stick of unknown use 1/4
050vv Stick of light wood 1/0
050ww Light stick 1/0
050xx Elaborately ornamented stick 3/3
054d Throw-stick of wood, thickly coated with plaster, and overlaid with gold, similar to 54e 2/1
054e Throw-stick similar to 54d 2/1
079e Stick handle (?) of metal, glass, and stone (?) 1/0
085b Upper part of stick 2/4
095a Wooden stick, decorated with gold 1/3
095b One stick from shrine 123 1/2
100a Stick of gold, on gesso, on wood 1/1
100b Wooden decorated stick 2/4
135a Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135b Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135c Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135d Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135e Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135f Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/8
135g Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135h Decorated stick or cane 1/7
135i Plain undecorated stick 1/7
135j Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135k Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135l Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/8
135m Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135n Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135o Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135p Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/8
135q Stick partly decorated with coloured barks 1/10
135r Stick partly decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135s Stick with forked bottom 1/8
135t Undecorated stick 1/7
135u Stick partly decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135v Stick partly decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135w Undecorated stick 1/8
135x Stick with forked bottom 1/10
135y Stick decorated with coloured barks 1/7
135aa Flat stick, partly decorated with bark 2/8
135bb Undecorated stick 1/8
135dd Two lengths of rough stick 1/7
214 Two straight sticks ornamented with barks 5/4
216 Pair of straight sticks ornamented with gold 2/4
223 Two straight sticks with forked bottoms 2/3
224 Decorated gold stick 5/3
225 Bag containing 11 sticks and bows (225a-230) 1/3
227a Curved red wood stick, elaborately veneered with ivory and ebony 6/5
227b Curved stick with bark and beetle-wing decoration 12/5
227c Stick with curved end, decorated with gold, bark, and irridescent beetle-wing 11/5
227d Bent stick with bark decoration 5/2
227e Gold stick with blue glass knob 4/3
231 Two straight gilt sticks 2/3
235a Gold stick surmounted by statuette 4/18
235b Silver stick surmounted by statuette 4/6
370g Curved stick 1/2
370ee Wooden weapon of throw-stick type 1/3
468 Group of 15 sticks 2/0
468c Curved ebony stick 1/1
468d Curved ebony stick 1/0
468e Curved ebony stick 1/0
468f Curved ebony stick 1/0
468g Curved ebony stick 1/1
468h Curved ebony stick 1/0
468i Curved ebony stick 1/0
468j Curved ebony stick 1/1
582 Group of sticks and other weapons 2/1
582c Sword-stick (619a probably belongs to this object) 1/2
582d Sword-stick (619b probably belongs to this object) 1/2
582e Sword-stick (619c probably belongs to this object) 1/2
582f Sword-stick (619d probably belongs to this object) 1/2
582g Sword-stick 1/2
582h Sword-stick 1/2
582i Sword-stick 1/2
596 Bundle of fan, sticks, bows and arrows 1/2
596b Wooden stick 1/2
596c Wooden stick 1/2
596d Wooden stick 2/5
596e Long thin wooden stick 1/2
596f Short wooden stick 1/3
596g Short wooden stick 1/3
596h Ebony stick 1/3
596i Short wooden stick 1/3
596j Short wooden stick 1/5
619a Sword-stick guard (probably belonging to 582c) 1/1
619b Sword-stick guard (probably belonging to 582d) 1/1
619c Sword-stick guard (probably belonging to 582e) 1/1
619d Sword-stick guard (probably belonging to 582f) 1/1
620(7) Throw-stick (wood, gold, and faience) (pair with 620(8)) 1/1
620(8) Throw-stick (wood, gold, and faience) (pair with 620(7)) 1/1
620(9) Throw-stick (faience) (pair with 620(10)) 1/1
620(10) Throw-stick (faience) (pair with 620(9)) 1/1
620(110) Set of four (two pairs) gaming-sticks of ivory 1/1

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Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
Concept & Direction: Jaromir Malek
Web Page & Database Designs: Jonathan Moffett
Scanning & transcript: Sue Hutchison, Elizabeth Fleming, Diana Magee, Kent Rawlinson

page created: Tue Apr 30 08:08:17 2024