The Griffith Institute
Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
The Howard Carter Archives
Photographs by Harry Burton
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Carter No.: 258

Handlist description: Niche containing recumbent figure of Anubis

Card/Transcription No.: 258-1

No. 258. 1

A NICHE cut in the centre of the west wall, facing the head end of the sarcophagus, 125 cents. above the floor of the Burial-chamber.

THE NICHE takes the form of a roughly cut shallow recess, of rectangular shape, 24 cents. high, 20 cents. wide and 10 cents. deep. It was closed by the means of three irregular splinters of limestone, which were plastered over flush with the surface of the wall, and then painted over to match the colour decoration of the wall.

THE NICHE CONTAINED a recumbent figure of the jackal-like dog Anubis, resting upon a brick (pedestal), facing north, and made, like the brick (pedestal) itself, of unbaked clay. The figure of the jackal-like dog Anubis was completely swathed with strips of fine linen varying in width from 2 to 5 cents. - the linen on the figure was discoloured, while that adhering to the plaster employed in closing the niche was almost white.

THE FIGURE OF THE JACKAL-LIKE DOG ANUBIS measures 13.0 cents. in length from root of tail to tip of fore feet, and 9.5 cents. high from pedestal to the tips of its ears (= 7 x 5 digits). The eyes and eye-brows have been tinted with a lemon yellow pigment; exuding from the surfaces of both body and limbs are minute globules of resinous material, suggesting resin or the like was mixed with the clay; the fore-feet have five toes, the hind-feet four toes only.

THE BRICK (pedestal), 14.1 to 14.9 cents. long, 5.3 to 5.6 cents. wide, and 4.8 to 5.2 cents. thick (=8 X 3 X 2½ digits), bears no incantation nor inscription whatsoever! - possibly because the recumbent figure of Anubis occupied all the available space. It rested upon a second brick, of similar dimensions but only 2.7 cents. thick (= 1½ digits), and this brick was placed upon a third thin slab of unbaked clay of somewhat irregular shape and showing traces of red paint on the bottom surface. The second brick and third slab of clay were in all probability for the purpose of raising the first brick (pedestal) sufficiently high as to prevent the long drooping tail of the Anubis figure from touching the floor of the niche. Like the Anubis figure the two bricks and slab of clay shew traces, minute globules, of a red resinous material exuding from their surfaces (one of these globules when passed through a flame gave out a resinous odour).

Card no. 258-1 relating to Carter no. 258
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Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
Concept & Direction: Jaromir Malek
Web Page & Database Designs: Jonathan Moffett
Scanning & transcript: Sue Hutchison, Elizabeth Miles, Diana Magee, Kent Rawlinson