The diary of Minnie C. Burton
The woman behind the man behind the camera: re-discovering the tomb of Tutankhamun
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MS. diary of
Mrs. Minnie Burton,
widow of Harry Burton
who was the Secretary
of Lord Carnarvon
on the Tutankhamun
₤ 50
B Rota
H & I to lunch with Ethel
Harter. Walked from Romito. Warm.
Mrs Stuart there. E. motored us back
to San Gallo & we drove back with
plants. Tea, & then to see Mamma.
With H. in morning to del
Bene & Bank & Anglo-American
Stores. Slept after lunch. After tea
to Casanuova & found M. sitting
in garden with Miss Besier &
the Direttrice. Miss Whittuck here
while I was out.
H & I to the Allori in
morning with flowers. The
gardener has arranged Papa’s grave
with stones all round & planted
it with small begonias & a
big white margherite.
Mr Perkins in for tea, & then
Harry & I to Casanuova. She
had a bad day – very restless
& talkative & wretched. H & I took
her for a walk outside & round
the garden.
The opening of the Fiera del
Libro & many processions & bands
playing & the city hung with
bunting. Rosina had to go
to Bagni di Lucca to her child
who is ill. Casini here in morn.
& then I joined H. in the Ductch
rooms at the Uffizi. Miss Young.
H. went to the Firths. I to
Casanuova after tea. Contessa Cini
in tram. Mamma much quieter
& happier. In garden till 7.15.
With H. to Magliaia & Via
Ginori & Miseracordia & shopping in morng.
H. to Casa di Cura after lunch &
back for tea. Afterwards I to Casa-
nuova. Met Miss Bésier’s sister
& Mme Zeinotti (?) wife of the
Dutch Consul. Mamma fairly
quiet & calm. Warm day.
H. & I in morning of the 9th to Le Querce
to try & find the Miss Moodys, but
they are at Fiesole. After lunch
Dr Verity came to tell me that
Mamma was very ill. I sent
H for Miss Whytlaw & waited till
he came back & then went to
Casanuova. I found Mamma
unconscious & breathing very
heavily. They told me what had
happened. Miss Bézier was at
lunch & she went into the
garden & looked up at Mamma’s
window & saw her & Beppina
standing there. It was very hot
& the sun was shining on them.
Miss Besi Mamma said to
Miss Bésier “How hot it is” &
Miss Bésier said “But you are
standing with the sun on your
head dear. Go in”. And then
she told Beppina to go down &
bring up Mamma’s lunch.
Beppina went down & Miss Besier
returned to the dining room.
A few moments later they heard
a crash of glass & rushed
out to find Mamma lying on
the ground unconscious. She
had got out of the window.
Just under neath her window –
about a yard under – was the
broad leaded roof of the verandah
It sloped slightly & the edge
was 2 metres & 80 centimetres
from the ground. Whether she
slipped from it or jumped
we can never know. Her
skirt caught on a hook &
tore & then she fell. The
young doctor picked her up
in his arms & carried her
up. Nothing was broken, &
there were only some slight
bruises. At the left side at
the base of the skull the skin
was scratched. But she was
unconscious & did not recover
consciousness in spite of all
restoratives. When I arrived
they asked me if I would
have Burci & he came at
half past 6. He told me her
state was very grave – that there
must be a slight fracture of
the skull where the scratch
was, but there was a
thread of hope. I had no
hope. Everything was done
& injections of camphor &
caffeine every hour, but at
10 she became much worse
with sickess & convulsions &
at 10.45 it was over. I
could not stay in the room
but walked up & down outside
for the last 20 minutes. It
was more than I could bear
& I knew she would not
want me again. I stayed
the night there & the next day
nearly all the time in her
room. Miss Whytlaw came
to see me. At 7. the Allori
came & took her away to
the chapel and I came home
with Harry. Today at 3
Mr Read took the service &
we laid her in Papa’s grave
I try to think they are together
again, but all I can feel
is my own bitter loss.
Harry & I decided we would
not let people know what had
happened. It would do Mamma
no good & would do the house
harm. They were all so kind
from the beginning to the end
& I would not like to harm them.
Mamma was in Miss Besiers
charge & it was her fault for
sending Beppina out of the room
& leaving Mamma alone. But
I cannot even blame her much,
not with justice I mean, because
in the month that mamma
had been with her she showed
no signs at all of wanting
to do herself an injury. Vigilance
had been great during the
first fortnight when she was
so distraught, but even then
she shonewed no signs of wanting
to do herself an injury, & so
the vigilance had been relaxed.
as she was so much better.
That morning Mamma had
been quite calm out in the
garden watching & interested
in an aeroplane.
And now it is all over. I
wonder how I bear it for
I feel as if it were all my
fault for letting others tend
her when it should have been
I to do it all. If she had
been with me it would not
have happened. She would not have
felt so bereft. But I did
not know what to do & they
all told me it was better
for her not to be with me as
she was almosways more agitated
with me than when away
from me & I did what
I was told was best for her
& now how bitterly I shall
regret it all my life.
Morning Post
16 May 1922
Duckett. – On 10th April, at Florence, Lieut.-Colonel
William Morton Duckett, late 2nd Batt. Royal
Scots Fusiliers and Army Pay Department, only
son of the late Thomas Morton Duckett, Esq., of
Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.
Duckett. – On 9th May, at Florence, Stanny, the
widow of the late Lieut.-Colonel William Morton
Irish Times. 17 May 1922
Duckett – April 10, 1922, at Florence
Lieutenant-Colonel William Morton Duckett, late
of the 2nd Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers, and
Army Pay Department, only son of the late Thomas
Morton Duckett, Barrister-at-Law, T.C.D., of
Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.
Duckett – May 9, 1922, at Florence, Stanny,
the widow of Lieutenant-Colonel William Morton
Also Times & Daily Telegraph.
16 May 1922.
Bruna came in morning
& afternoon about my mourning.
Mme de Kerbrech & Miss McDougall
& Mrs de Robeck & Nesta called but I
didn’t see anyone. After tea Harry
& I went to Forca’s & on to
To Service at St. Mark’s with H.
in morning. To Geiorgi. Mrs Pemberton
& Mr Bond in.
Left Florence by the 2.35 train
& arrived at Rimini at 7.55.
Aquila d’Oro.
Left at 10 A.M. in motor bus
for San Marino. Arrived 11.30.
Saw the Prefetura & Cathedral of
San Marino & his cell & the
Castello, & lunched at the Titano.
Mr Parkinson & Mr Machtig with
us. Left at 3. & arrived back
at Rimini at 4.5. Tea &
then down to the sea & watched
the fishing boats of the Molo. After
dinner with Mr. P. & Mr. M.
To the Tempio (Sigismundo
& Isaotta Malatesta) & the beautiful
Dosso Dossi cherubs. Left Rimini
at 3.12 & arrived Ravenna
4.30. Hotel San Marco. Tea at a caffè & saw
San Francesco & Dante’s Tomb.
Saw Sant’ Appolinari &
Baptistery & Belle Arti in morning
& after tea drove out to Sant’
Appolinari in Classe Fuori.
Later walked to the Porto.
To San Vitale & Museo & Galla. Placidia in
morning, & San Giov. Evangelista
After tea to Theodoric’s Tomb &
walked down The Canal bank.
Mr. Chancellor & Mr. Brandon
Davis & Mrs D.
Sant’ Apolinari Nuovo &
San Vitale again in morning.
Left Ravenna at 2 P.M. &
arrived at Pesaro at 4. Tea at
Caffè on Piazza then to Molinari
Majolica works & bought some
plates, & after to sea shore.
Hotel Zingo. Coffee on Piazza
Museo. Fine Bellini &
Museo & then to the pier.
Very hot. Tea on Piazza & then
drove to Villa Imperiale. Walked
most of the way up. To sea
shore after. Dined at Ristorante
Left Pesaro at 9.21 A.M.
Changed & lunched at Faenza
Left there at 1 P.M. & arrived
Florence at 5. Very hot all
Miss George called. Mrs
Pemberton to tea
Mr. Parker to tea.
N H to tea with Mrs Newman.
H & I to Fosca’s later. In morning
alone to the Allori with bunch of
arums for their grave.
Very hot every day. Mr Teague
& Miss Whytlaw in every day after
Mrs Pemberton to tea. Short walk
after with H. Very hot.
Out with H in morning to vil
place near Bargello, Corso, Mr
Procter & fruit shop. Met Ethel
Harter. Very hot. After tea H
& I to call on the de Robecks, out
& up the Viale. Met the de Rs
driving. Round by Scala alle
Croci. Met Miss Minari in morn.
Palagi for brooch.
Out with H in morning. San
Lorenzo for Cenci, & Rinascente.
Destroying letters after lunch. Mrs
Pemberton to tea & Miss Whytlaw
to dinner. Fosca here. Much cooler & a little
rain in aft. Cloudy day. Out with H after tea.
To Beppina in morning &
shopping. Very hot. We called for
Mrs Pemberton at 5.30 & trammed to
Fiesole. Roman amphitheatre, San
Francisco, & dined at Aurora. Very
cool up there.
Miss George & Mr Parker to tea.
Harry dined with Mrs Crownin-shield
& Miss Koon.
To Beppina in morning to try on
lace dress. Wrote Mr Bowly &
Cox. Miss George to tea. H & I
dined with the de Robecks.
Gika. To see the fireflies after in
the cornfield.
H & I met Ethel Harter at 12.30
at Doney’s. Picked up Sir Seymour at
Vieussieux’s & Mrs Montefiore at
Piazza Ss. Annunziata & to lunch at
the Poderino. We all came back in
the car & with E. & Sir S. to a
house at Port’al Prato to see some
old furniture. Miss Whytlaw in in
morning to say goodbye. Met Mrs & Miss
Sturt in morning. H to Miss Robbins after tea.
Fine day, very hot.
Statuto. Cloudy in morning, but
hot. Mr & Mrs Erskine Nicol & their
little girl Mary to tea. Stayed late H. to
see Miss Aitken after dinner. Rigatti.
To Espresso with note for Mr Parker.
Met Miss Bésier – hate her. Then to
To the Consulate in morning
to sign papers as Administratrix of
Papa’s affairs. Sir Seymour Fortescue
& General Lawless as Sureties.
Contessa Cini to tea. 92° in shade.
A parokeet came & sat on the
canary’s cage this morning, so we
caught him & H. bought another
H & I met Ethel Harter, Sir S. F. &
Mrs Montefiore at 45 Costa S. Giorgio &
over villino. Ethel & Sir Seymour
lunched here. Victor Ames in
after. After tea I went to Beppina
& then Viale by S. Niccoto. Met
Harry at the Scale alle Croci. Walked
back by San Leonardo. Very hot.
H. & I to the Allori with a big
bunch of Madonna lilies for their
grave. To flower market & bought
plants. Slept after lunch. Mrs
Pemberton afte for tea, & Mr
Parker, Miss Bésier & Mrs Mason
Jones in afterwards. H. dined at
the Lawlesses. Hot day.
Magliaia brought my jumper.
H & I for walk after tea. By
tram to Ponte a Ema & then
walked to Piazzale & down Scalae
alle Croci. 91°. Mrs Pemberton
after dinner.
To Mrs Newman in morning.
To tea at the Lawlesses. H. to the Firths.
After dinner Mr Parker, Ambrosetti &
Mr Sargent here.
Very sultry & cloudy. Rain after
dinner. To the Victor Ames’ for tea. I by
tram to Piazzale & H. walked. We met at
Via Torre al Gallo. The Abettis there
Prof. Astronomy at Observatory. Walked
down. Met Nesta at the Villa Capponi.
H & I met Ethel at Vieussieux’s at
12.30 & Miss Mansfield & to Pod. for
lunch. Rained. Ethel brought us back
in the car to Piazza Madonna. Then she
& I to Fantecchi, Hashard’s. Met Mr
Trench Ethel, Mrs Crowningshield &
Miss Richardson to tea. H. back with
E. as far as Palazzo Bruciato.
Papa’s birthday. H & I to Allori
in morning with large bunch of
carnations. Drizzling slightly. Mr
Firth here to tea. Afterwards H & I
to Palagi & along Arno to Carraia
Bridge. Pasquis here after dinner.
Miss George here in morning to
say goodbye. Nesta to tea. Afterwards
H& I went to del Bono in Via Pallazzuolo,
to see about a stone for their grave.
H to Miss Koon’s after dinner. Cool.
To Palagi in morning to have
Mamma’s jewels valued. Then I went
to Casini. Ethel Harter & Madame
Bagnani to tea & stayed till 7.30.
To Consulate in morning with
Bond, which was not in order. Then
back here & to Beppina with gabardine
dress. H. met Ethel & Mme Bagnani
in morning for shopping & again after
lunch. Mr Parker called but did
not see him. H. to Mrs Newman after
tea & I walked round Viale. H
met me on Costa. We met Major
With H. to the Book Exhibition in
the Reale Scuderia. Very dull. Rained
in afternoon. H to Mr Temple after tea.
I for walk round Viale & H. met me.
H & I to Ethel Harter’s for lunch.
By tram & the Norman’s picked us up
in their car. The Normans & Mme Bagnani
there to lunch. Ethel motored us back.
Tea here & then H & I walked to Fosca’s
& back by Piazzale & Scale alle Croci.
Pouring all day. Ethel & Mme B.
to lunch, & young Orvieto in after.
H. to tea with them & I waited in tfor
Forca who didn’t come. Then to see
H. & I to Allori to meet Del Bono.
Took gladioli. To the station to see
Mme B. off by 1.20 train to Rome
& Ethel motored us back. After tea
shopping with H. Forca came
Met Mrs Sturt in Via Maggio.
To Forca in morning. Ethel
Harter here to lunch. Magliaia here
Then walked round Viale with
H. after tea. Met Major Maclean on Costa
also Canon Knollys.
Met Maria at Beppina’s. Then to
Bella for print. Met Mr Bond. After tea
H & I to see Ethel off by the 5.35 P.M.
train. Mrs Sturt there. Mrs Donner
& Mr Trench in train. Afterwards to
Casini. Canon Knollys in tram. To
Beppina’s to leave parcel. Hot day.
To Forca in morning. With H.
to tea at the Macleans. Signa Tommaselli.
Met Maria at Beppina’s at 11.
H to Mrs Newman’s after tea & then
with me to see decorations for San
Giovanni. Out after dinner to see
Not out all day. Mr Bond to tea.
In morning to buy bird seed. To
Beppina with cape, & to the Lawlesses.
After tea to get genrl. L. to sign the Bond
again. Then with H to Manetti etc.
Hot day. Cesira pulled picture down.
To Consulate with Bond & Oath.
in morning. After tea to Casini & Post
office & shopping.
With H. to Del Bono with design for
their tombstone. Then Casucci. Met Mr
BProctor. Digerini & Bella. Miss Fernie
& Mr Parker to tea. Not out in evg.
San Pietro e Paolo.
Bruna here. To Casini in morning.
H & I to Mr Bond’s to tea. Mrs & Miss
Mc Dougall. Afterwards to Forca. H
walked & I in tram & back together.
To Mr Barker’s tower after dinner to see fireworks.
on Ponte Sta Trinitá. Other page:
To Beppina. Maria & Signa Pacini
there. Mr Bond to tea. Mrs Sturt should
have come but didn’t. Mr Proctor to
dinner. Hot day.
To Giorgi. Signora Pacini, Maria &
Giuseppe to tea. H. to tea with Mrs
Newman but back for the Pasquis.
After dinner to Mrs Crowninshield.
Mr Parker. Ambrosetti & Miss Davis.
With H. by 4 tram to Bagno a
Ripoli & drove to Mr Proctor’s for tea.
Back at 8. Hot.
Mrs Mc Neile to see the flat in morning.
Mrs Sturt to tea & then H & I to del
Bono etc. Bruni – out.
To Milliner & Beppina in morng.
Met Major Maclean. Met Mr Parker
at Bottegone at 4 & to Miss
Fernie’s to tea & to hear Mr Barr
sing. Miss Mc Dougall there. H
after dinner to Miss Koon’s. 952°.
To Consulate with papers to sign
Major Maclean. After tea H & I to
Coppini & gloves. Mr Sargent in after
dinner. Stayed till 12. Over 90°.
Del Bono here in morning with
full-sized plan of tombstone.
Then to Beppina, & with H. to the
flower market. After tea with H to
buy jet & to Casini. Miss Minasi
to dinner. 93°.
To Beppina. Magliaia. After tea
with H. shopping & looking for
books. Met the Lawlesses.
To the Allori with bunch of
gladioli. Fosca in afternoon. Very
hot. 93°.
Packing & putting things away. After
tea with H. to see Mrs Newman. 88°.
Left by the 11.15 P.M. train in sleeping
Breakfast in train. Changed at
Bozen. Arrived Innsbrück at 3.45.
Customs at Brenner & again at
Steinach. Tyrolerhof. 138. Tea, then
for a walk about the town. Warm,
but fresh. Did an antique shop.
To see the Maximilien Church &
Hofburg in morning & Goldene Dachle.
Cafè & shops. After lunch we drove
to Schloss Amras. Paid 14,000
Kronen for the cab. Exchange today
112,000 to the ₤. After tea to the
Public gardens & over the foot bridge &
along the Inn to the main bridge.
Miss George turned up at dinner &
sat at our table. Hot day.
Left Innsbrück at 10.15 A.M.
by Gamisch & Partenkirche line
electric. Lovely journey. Arrived
Münich at 3 P.M. To Park
Hotel in Maximilian Square.
Pouring with rain. H. to station
about baggage, & after tea we went
out to Frauen Kirche, Rathhaus,
down the Maximilian Strasse to
Maximilieneum. Pouring. Taxied
back. Dined in restaurant.
Left Munich by the 9.10 A.M.
train via Ingolstadt, Frankfurt
& arrived at Cologne at 9.525 P.M.
Along Rhine from Wiesbaden
on, past Coblentz on the other side
Lots of British soldiers in Cologne.
Lovely journey. To Hotel Disch.
Up early & out about the
town & to the Cathedral. Left
at 11.30 A.M. Deutz station Very cold. Arr.
Amsterdam at 6.40. Mr Van
Leer met us & took us to our
pension & then back to them
for dinner.
Mrs Van L. came for us at
9.45 A.M. & took us to Mr van
Leer’s publishing house & she
showed us round it. Then she
took us to the Rembrandt house,
& back to their place for lunch.
Afterwards with them to Prof. Six’s
house to see the Rembrandts, &
then all round the canals &
harbour in a motor boat. Very
cold. Tea at a very smart restau-
rant & dined at the van Leer’s.
Magic lantern after dinner.
Italian views.
The Van Leers for us at 9.15
& by tram to station where we got
a ferry boat to the dock & then a
steam tram via Bruick in Water-
land & other villages. Got out to
see cheese making, & arrived at
Vollendam in time for lunch.
Walk round village & then by
sailing boat to Merkan. Very
rough & skipping seas. Round
village & then by motor boat back
to Vollendam ? & back by steam
tram, ferry etc, arriving here
at 6. P.M. Bitterly cold &
windy all day. Very tired, so
let Harry go alone to dine with
the van Leers at a restaurant
& I went to bed early.
To the van Leers in morning
& with Mrs van L. to the Museum
to see the pictures. Back there for
lunch. Afterwards to town with
her & walked about the little
canals & had tea in town. Back
to our lodgings to finish packing
& then to the van Leer’s for dinner.
To our lodgings for our baggage
& left Amsterdam at 9 P.M. The
van Leers came to see us off. Sailed
from the Hook at midnight on
the “Archangel”, & arrived at
Harwich at 7 A.M.
Breakfast in
the boat train. Arrived Liverpool
St. Station at 9.30. Taxied to 30
Chepstow Place, lent us by Mrs Tobin.
Ada Hutton here in possession.
Bath & lunch & afterwards Ada
& I to Post office & shopping, & then
to my Club to tea. H to see Cuthbert
Williamson. Dinner at 7.
Jeannette in just before dinner.
H & I to Mr Bowly in morning.
Then to Burberry’s. After lunch with
H. to Westminster Cathedral (He went
to Mr Bartlett’s) & then to the Harter’s.
Ethel out, but tea with Barney. He
with us to Harrod’s & H to tailoring
& I to warehouse dept. Fine day.
Ada & I to Whitely’s in morning
to buy dusters & kitchen cloths. Sale.
H & I lunched with Jeannette
Franklin at the Trois Arts Club.
& with her to the Academy where
H & I had tea. Then Shoolbred,
London Glove Coy. & home very
tired. Sunny hot day.
With Ada in morning to
Hervey Nicoll for a coat & skirt.
46 bus. Taxied back. With H.
to National Gallery. Spanish &
English rooms. To A& N. Stores &
had tea there. Rained slightly in
afternoon. Saw the Cenotaph for
the first time.
With H. to lunch with the
Vernets at 5 Sheen Gate Gardens. Went
on the top of the bus. Not very
fine. Back here for tea. Edie
called. We dined at the Harter’s.
The Victor Ames there & back with
them to their house after.
H. & I to Westminster Abbey
for 10.15 service. Dean Storrs
preached. Ethel Towgood to lunch,
& afterwards we all went to the Zoo
& had tea there. Rained & fine.
H. & I to Harrod’s warehouse,
but mistake in the date. Then
Derry & Tom’s, Jaeger for travelling
rug & A& N Stores. Back for
lunch. Rain & fine & cold.
To Putney to tea with the Darnells.
Mr Carter to dinner.
In bed late. H & I lunched with
Sir Seymour Fortescue at the Orleans
Club. Ethel & Lady Hesketh. Afterwards
to the S. K. Museum & met Jeannette
for the Theatre Exhibition. Then with
her to 14 Grenville Place to see Mr
Reithinger’s drawings. Fine collection.
Tea first in Gloster Road. Mr
Carter to dinner here.
H & I lunched with the Bernards
then Dunhill’s & tea at the Club. We
dined at the Franckklins, then J.
Adrian & we to hear Miss Ruth
Draper at the Wigmore Hall. Ruth
at dinner.
Ada & I to Harvey Nichols for
fitting. Then Derry & Toms. Sunny
day. Edie Bell to tea. H & I dined
with Lady Hesketh. Very faint &
violently sick after dinner. Ethel
Harter there.
With H. in morning to my
Bank & saw the Manager about
yellow tin box. Then to lunch with
the Warner Allens. H. left by the
4.30 train to Market Harborough
to his brother. Ada & I to tea with
Jeannette at her Studio. Miss
Madge. Then shopping in West-
bourne Grove with Ada.
With A. after tea to call on the
Macdonalds. Out. Then to St. Martin’s
to book tickets.
Walked With A across Kensington Gardens
& the Park to Marble Arch, & back
by bus. Jeannette dined here.
Walked across Kensington Gardens
to inquire for Ethel who was
operated on in morning. Tea at Harrod’s
& back by bus. Met Jeannette at Le
Petit Cafè Riche for dinner & with
her to the Lyceum to see “Old Bill
M. P.” (Bruce Bairnsfather &
Edmund Gwenn.
Harry got back after lunch.
Lady Macdonald to tea. Then H & I for
a walk to Round Pond. Cold but
H & I in morning to Harrod’s
Warehouse & went over the things.
Cold & fine. To tea with Edie Bell.
H & I to Shoolbred’s warehouse & on
to Harrod’s in morning. To tea with
Trice. Edie Bell there for a moment.
By 31 bus to Swiss Cottage & walked up
Fitzjohn Avenue, & back by tube.
H. Ada & I to see “Loyalties” &
“Shall we join the ladies” at St.
Martin’s Theatre. Eric Maturin &
Miss Albanesi etc.
Packing in morning. Jeannette
in. Left 30 Chepstow Place after
lunch & to Ada’s flat 8 Elsham
Road. Unpacking, & after tea to
see Ethel where H. joined me.
Barney, Cuckoo Belville & Mrs Anetty.
H & I lunched at the Harter’s. Then
to S. K. Museum. French 4 cents sculpture.
To Mr Carter’s for tea 19 Collingham
We all went to tea with the Macdonalds
To Ethel’s in morning. In aft. H &
Col. Braithwaite there
I to call on the Tobins & after walked
across K. Gardens & Park to the
H & I in morning to his tailor in
Clifford St. Then to Clerkenwell Road
in search of Park. Then Leather
Lane, & New Street. Then to Mr
Bowly & drew up my will. Home
for lunch at 2. Poured part of
the time. Placards say half England
flooded. H left for Guildford to stay
with Mr Williamson & Mr Stoulghton at
4. Tea here & then to Harrods &
H. returned from Guildford atin
the morning. With him to Cook’s &
Regent Street. Dined with Mr Carter
at Prince’s Grill & afterwards with
him to see “Tons of Money”. Yvonne
Arnaud. Etc. Shaftesbury Theatre.
Packing in morning. H. Ada
& I to see matinée of “The Dover
Road” at the Haymarket. Henry
Ainley & Nancy Atkin etc. Tea at
the Stores in Haymarket, & A & I
home by ourselves. We all dined
with Mrs Hutton.
Ada & I to High St. in morning to
buy cretonne etc. H & I to tea at
the Harter’s. Mrs Dighton Probyn &
Mrs Clustey. Back to Elsham Road
& left again at 6 for the Great
Western Hotel at Paddington. Then H &
I walked across Kensington Gardens
& the Park to Hyde Park Corner where
we took a taxi to Brice’s for dinner.
Met Major Vingoe in Queen’s Road.
Left Paddington by the 9.30 train
for Weymouth & sailed at 2.45
for Jersey. Lunch on board. Nasty
passage. Very crowded boat. Had a cabin. Arrived
St. Helier at 8.45 P.M. & to 59
David Place (Mrs Jackson).
To see Emmie in morning. Lil
there. To tea with Myra & Jue.
Emmie & Lil there too.
H & I to Mr Le Maistre & on with
him to Benest’s & went over the
silver – Aunt Hattie’s. Met Lil &
Jue at Station & went by 3.10 train
to La Moie. Pouring, so went on
to the Corbière where we met Karl
at the station & to his cottage for
tea & met his wife & Miss du
Quesne. Poured in torrents all the
afternoon. Back by 6 train.
H & I to Benest’s Myra in again & looked
over the furniture & plate & on to
Mr Le Maistre. After lunch we went
by 3 o’clock train to Gorey & over Mont Orgueil
Castle. Great crowds of trippers. Tea
at the Talana & back by 5.30 train
Then on to Emmie’s. Lovely day,
sunny, clear & warm.
H & I to Benest’s again & Lil Binet
there going over books. To Emmie’s
for tea, & afterwards in motor with
Jue & Captain Vibert to Bouley
Bay where we met Dr Chappuis &
a “Never-Forgotten” picnic was
going on. And round by Rozel Bay
& Manor, St Catherine’s Bay, Gorey
Grouville Bay where we stopped
at the Vibert’s Cottage, St Clement’s
Bay & back to Emmie’s. Met one
Miss V. There at tea & another at
The Cottage.
To Benest’s again in morning.
Raining, but cleared up after.
To Emmie’s at 2.45 & Mr
Blancpied, her brother-in-law took
us, & Doris & his future daughter
in law in his car to St. Brelant[?]de’s
Bay via St. Aubin’s. Over Fisher-
man’s chapel & St. Brelade’s church.
The padre showed us over. Then
on to St. Ouen’s Bay & tea at the
Inn there near La Moie. Found
Jue & Myra there, also Karl
Renoufs, Roy Bancpied, Miss
Le Couteur & another woman &
her little girl. Fine but coldish.
H. to Emmie’s after dinner.
H & I to Benest & Mr Le Maistre &
to the latter’s house to see candlesticks.
Also to the Harbour. Lovely day, but
cool wind. By the 3.10 train to the
Corbière & mooned about & had tea
at the Chalet. Back by 6.10 train. H to
Emmie’s after dinner.
Benest, Voisin & buying milkcans.
Down to the end of the pier. Warm day.
Mr Blampied came for us in his car
at 3.30 with Mrs Le Page & Miss Le
Fèvre & motored us to Grève de Lecq
where we had tea & then on to the
Devil’s Hole. H. to E’s after dinner.
H & I in a car to St. Lawrence
Churchyard to see Aunt Hattie’s grave.
Then to Emmie’s. H walked down
to the Harbour. H. went to tea with
the Viberts & I went to Emmie’s.
H & I to Benest’s to pack linen
& then to Emmie’s where we met
Karl who took us over the State
House & then to Mr. le Maistre.
At 2.30 Myra, Jue & Karl came
for us in a car & took us to
Grosney & the Water Works Valley.
To tea at the Renoufs. H. to Emmie
after dinner.
Left Jersey in pouring rain in
the Caesarea at 7.15 A.M. Up at
5. Fine passage, & very pretty
coming up the Solent. Arrived
Southampton 5 P.M. Special boat
train to London. Arrived 7.45. To
the Ivanhoe Hotel. Horrid room.
Left Ivanhoe Hotel & went to
Queen’s Gate Hotel. After lunch
to Shoolbred’s & unpacked plate &
made arrangements about selling
it. To tea with Ethel Harter.
Dined with Mrs Newberry & her
daughter at Frascati’s.
To Harrod’s Warehouse to arrange
about transport & selling. Then to
Sloane Street about lampshade &
to lunch at Ethel’s. Ursula Blois
there. Afterwards H. E. & I to
Hurcomb’s & Debenham & Storr.
Pouring & taxied. Back to tea
with E. Toby there. H. left the
plaster impressions with Hurcomb.
H. to Elsham Road to get boxes & I home
alone. H. to see Mr Carter after dinner
but away.
Getting theatre tickets. To Bank first.
Then to Mr Buckmaster who is doing
Mr Bowly’s work while he is away.
Back for lunch (To sleeping car
people) & then to Liberty, Pinet,
Atkinson’s, & tea at . Met
Lady Macdonald in Piccadilly.
H. took the Newberry’s to dine at
Laurier’s & to “Quarantine”. I
stayed at home. Finish day but
cold & a few drops of rain in
late afternoon. Letter from Jimmy
Chappuis. Evening writing letters.
To Cecil Roy etc in morning & then
to the Harter’s where Harry met me.
Ethel & Barney with us to the Pall
Mall Restaurant for lunch & then to
London Library. E. with H & me to
the St. James’s theatre to see
“The Bat”. Eva Moore, Drusilla
Wills (Lizzie) Nora Swinburne (Dale
Ogden) George Relph, A Scott-Gatty,
(Dr Wells) Arthur Wontner (the Bat)
Back to Montpelier Square for tea.
Mr Charles Harter in. Bright sunny
day but chilly.
H. & I went down to Kew Gardens
in morning. To Hampton Court
after lunch to the Maudes at the
Royal Mews. Tea, then to the
Palace & round the public &
private gardens & the tennis court.
Dined with the Maudes. Met
Mrs Hicks-Beach. Lovely day.
H & I by the 9.33 A.M. to
Horsmandon where Jeannette met us
in the car & to Goudhurst. Round
the gardens. Then lunch & croquet
& to the village to see the Colpepers
& Compton Tombs in the church.
Tea & then back to Horsmandon to
catch the 15.14 train. At the house
Miss Ladborough & Miss Arbour, Adela
& Mr Brodie & Mrs Franklin. Mr
Brodie back to town with us.
Changed twice & had to wait 40
minutes at Wimbledon. Got back
here 8.30. Fine day.
H & I in morning to Sleeping Car
Co., American Express, His Majesty’s,
Queens, Austen Reeds. Etc. Back
for lunch. H out in afternoon. I
stayed in writing letters. Barney to
H & I in morning to see Mr
Buckmaster, & then to Cox. Got
2 cheques from them ₤ 80 & ? ₤ 223
Then to Bank & lodged it. Papa’s
money. Sent draft to Florence for
₤ 50. 100 ¾. To matinée at
Drury Lane of “Decameron Nights”.
Ellis Jeffreys, Margaret Bannerman,
Saintsbury, Hugh Buckler, Cowley Wright,
Gladys Ancrum, etc.
Tea at Stewart’s. After dinner to see
the Hopgoods in Street.
H & I in morning to Harcomb to
sell some of Mamma’s jewellery & to have
some valued. To Liberty’s & Pinet’s
& Scott’s the tailor. After lunch
to see “Bluebeard’s 8th wife” at the
Queen’s Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue
by Alfred Savoir, trans by Wimperis.
Norman Mc Kinnel, Hugh
Wakefield, Madge Titheradge etc.
To tea with Jeannette at Hyde
Park Gardens. Miss Mary on.
Waldeked back across the Kensington Gardens.
Poured & sunny alternately
all day.
Harry to Hore for the day to Dr
Routh. I shopping Knightsbridge in
morning. Ethel Towgood to lunch & I
saw her off at S. Kensington at 3.
Lovely morning. Rained in afternoon.
H. back after dinner.
Shopping with H. To the Lauriers to
lunch with Mr Stoughton, Mr Williamson
& Dr Laing. Then to St. George’s Hall
to see Maskelyne. They did a “sprit”
photograph, & a materialisation which
made a mask of Napoleon. To tea
at Stewart’s. H. went to see Mrs
Newberry. We dined at Barney’s.
H & I to Elsham Rd. to take back
books. After tea walked through
Kensington Gardens & by the Serpentine.
Saw Queen Alexandra driving. After
dinner to call on Mrs Dunsford
& Lady Clowes at Onslow Court
Hotel, but not there.
To A & N. Stores in morning. After
lunch to Hatchard’s to see Humprey
about Bible. Then tea at Corner
House & National Gallery. To
see “East of Suez” at His Majesty’s
Theatre. Produced on Sat. by Somerset
Maugham. Meggie Albanesi & Marie
To Park’s with H. Then I hopme &
H shopped alone. To Pall Mall
Restaurant where Hugh Chisholm
& Mr Collins (of Tillinghurst &
Collins, Rhode Island) lunched
with us. Then to tea with Major
Greaves at the Royal Geographical
Society (Lowther Lodge) & walked
with him to S. Kensington Station.
H to Mrs Newberry’s.
Up at 7. Left London (Victoria)
at 10.35 A.M. Mr & Mrs Hack
with us in carriage. Left Dover
at 1. & arrived Calais at 2.10.
Mr Temple, Mr Bolland & the
Firths on board with us. Left
Calais 2.55 & arrived Nord at
6.40. Jimmy Chappuis met us
in his car & drove us to the
Palais Paris-Lyon where he dined with
us. Mr Temple joined us later.
Up at 6.30. Left Paris in the
trhrough Florence carriage in train de
luxe at 9.20 A.M. Mr Temple with
us at meals & most of the day. The
Crisps in the next carriage. Passports
& small baggage in train, but had to
get out at Modane for big baggage.
Opened 2 boxes. Arr. 10 P.M. Left
Dull & cool. Arrived Florence at
12.55 Found everything in order.
Unpacking all the afternoon. The
parrokeet died about a week ago.
Nice weather, cool & cloudy.
Tidying up all the morning.
Cleaning silver after lunch, & after
tea H & I to imbianchino Gliani in
Via Torta. Drove to Forca’s & back.
Working all day. Mr Garroway
to tea with H. I didn’t appear. We
dined with Mr Allen at the Italie.
Ethel in Cortile in morning. Mr
Firth after lunch. Working all day.
Tea with Mr Temple.
Ethel Harter to lunch. Mr Allen
Mrs Shriver & The Crisps to tea.
H’s birthday. Gave him gold fountain
pen. Out with him in morning.
He went to S. Miniato with Mr Allen
after lunch. Both here for tea. Poured.
Mr Sargent in after dinner.
H & I to tea with Ethel Harter. Mrs
H & I to tea with Mrs Newman Mr Eyre there. H
to see Miss Koon after dinner.
H to station at 8.25 A.M. to meet
Miss Hutton staying here. Out shopping with H.
after tea – Via dei Fossi.
H to tea at Mrs Shriver’s. I stayed
here with Ada.
H to tea with Mr Gilbertson. Miss
Minari in after dinner.
Ethel Harter to lunch here, & H &
I to tea with her. Sir Arthur & Lady
Colfax & Miss Harwood there. Hot.
H & I to the Allori. Took asters
for their grave.
With H. to picture framers. Ethel
Harter’s to lunch. H. Ada & I. Mr
Procter there.
To Palagi with H about pearls.
Ada H & I to tea at the Firths. Very
H. To Palagi & bought pearls & I went
with him to get them. 93 in string
& 4 loose ones. 16,000 lire (exchange
makes it ₤ 152.15.0.
After tea H & I to station to see Ethel
off. The Actons & Cantagalli. Then
to Gia[?]call Ron de Robecks. Out.
Ada H & I to tea at Mr Proctor’s
Took Mrs Dick Harvey with us. Drove
from tram & back. Firths there &
Robertsons, Mr Sargent, Lady Bateman
Duchessa Melita, Lady Newborough
etc. etc. Nesta here in morning.
Miss Whytlaw & Alfred Niccoli
to tea. The Dursts in after dinner.
Ada, H & I to tea at Mrs Crowningshield
Mrs Gurney, her cousin, wife of Btsh
Consul General Antwerp, staying there.
Miss Koon. Then to Palagi for clasp.
BPoured in early morning & violent
thunderstorm. Rained heavily most
of day. Ada H & I to tea with H & I
to Grande Bretagne to engage rooms for A’s girls.
Ada’s girls arrived. She lunched with
them. After tea with H. to electrician
& Giannini. Lights went out. Mr
Temple here to dinner. Lights came
on again about 7.15.
Man here with rugs. Raining.
With H about photo frames after tea
& then to Mrs Newman’s.
With H in morning to 1600 & 1700
Exhibition at the Pitti in morning.
H & I & Ada to tea at the de Robeck’s
& walked back by Via S. Leonardo
& Viale. Lovely day.
With H in morning to Bucciarelli
& Giorgi’s. Lady Lees & Lady Jean
Douglas-Hamilton to tea. Afterwards
with H to leave book at Mr Temple’s &
then for short walk over Ponte alle Grazie
& Ponte Vecchio. Bought electric stove.
Mrs Morris Smith & Mrs Payson & Miss
Koon to tea. Afterwards to Miss Graham
After dinner to the Dursts. Miss Moller.
Miss Hutton dined at the Blakes.
H bicycled to Signa. Perkins out.
Back for tea. With me to Casini.
H with me to del Bono. Market etc.
After lunch Nesta, Lady Lees &
Lady Jean Hamilton here for us &
to see Mr Horne’s house. All back
here for tea
H & I to tea with the Lawlesses.
To Consul to sign claim for Mamma’s
pension. Then to Beppina. Met Mr
To Uffizi with H. in morning.
After tea walked round Viale with H.
Miss Minari & Edith Bell to tea. To
Beppina in morning & Cons
Lady Lees & Lady Jean here in
morning to say goodbye. They & Ada
left by 3 train for Siena. H. to station
to see them off. Mr Hotham, Mr
Lamb & Mr Bond to tea. Cold & had
a fire. H & I for a short walk after.
H & I to tea with Miss Koon.
Mr & Mrs Dick Hervey, Miss Mackern &
Mrs Willis to tea. Short walk after. No
With H round Viale after tea. Mr
& Mrs Alec Miller in after dinner.
H & I to the Allori. The men were
laying the coping stone. After tea to call
on the Courvoisiers. Then to see Giuditta out.
After tea H & I to see the de Robecks.
Nesta in bed with Bronchitis. Met the Dursts.
H & I to tea with Mrs Willis & Miss
Mackern. Shopping with H after. Hot
water jugs & fire screen etc.
Mr Procter to lunch. H to tea with
Miss Fernie. I to dentist at 6. Dr
Schaffner. Lovely day.
Pouring all day & cold. Not out. The
Courvoisiers to tea. To infilatrice delle
perle. Giani here about the little
H & I to tea with Miss Ryerson. Mr Greg-
ory Smith, Nuns etc. Then to Giuditta’s.
H to Grand Guignol in evg. Rained
all day.
H & I to Allori after lunch to photo-
graph the grave with stone up. White
& pink chrysanthemums & begonias.
We dined alone with Mrs Mason Jones.
Mamma’s birthday. H & I to tea
with Mrs Newman & then to de
Robecks. Mrs Mc Neile there.
Miss Whytlaw to dinner.
Mrs Mc Neile to lunch & went over
inventory with her. Baggage left at
Left the house at 1. & the train
left at 1.50. Arrived Rome 7.40.
Ada met us & dined with us at
the Restaurant. Mr Allen & Mr
Travers also met us. Left again
at 8.30 P.M. in wagon-lit for
Breakfast at Bari at 9. Arrived
Brindisi 12.20. 20 minutes late.
International Hotel. Met the Eldon
Scotts, & Mr Wilson (from Vevey) &
his wife. After lunch to station etc.
Awful bed & mousquitoes.
To station & got luggage. Went on
board at 12 “SS. Vienna”.
Lunched at 12.30. Found the
Firths there, also the Spongs,
Sweets, Contessa della Sala etc.
Rough in evening. H seedy &
I dined with Mr Firth. Very few
people at dinner. Cabin 35.36.
Good deal of movement. Passed
Crete at 4 P.M. Hot.
Arrived Alexandria 4.30. Got off
at 5. Awful confusion. Special train.
The Firths with us. Arrived Cairo
at 11.20 P.M. instead of 10.30.
To Continental. Room 131 as usual.
Mr Fisher at tea. To call on Garrys
out. Mr & Mrs Firth at our table at
dinner. Said goodbye to Bower.
Walked with H. to end of Kasr-en-
nil St. after tea. Met archdeacon
Horan & the Mustacchis. Hot.
Dr. Garry here in morning.
Mulid-en-nebi. The Firths at our
table. Mr Wainwright in at teatime.
Afterwards H & I for a walk. Mr
Fitzgerald called. H & I to the
Contessa’s after dinner.
After tea with H by Pont des Anglais
to Sporting Club, & back by tram. Mrs
Phillips & Barbara in. Had a degree
of fever all day & a slight headache.
The Firths as usual.
Dr Garry in. The Firths lunched at
the Reisner’s. H & I to tea with the Phillip’s
at Kasr el Doubara & over the new
house. Hot & stuffy. To the Contessa
after dinner.
Mr Fitzgerald in after dinner.
Firths as usual.
H & I to the Russells after tea.
Mrs R. laid up. Saw him & he motored
us back. Hot.
Colonel Parker lunched at our
table. Firths as usual. After tea H
& I to call on the Horans. Met
Major Cresswell. Very hot 87°.
The Contessa left for Helouan.
The Firths left for Sakkara after lunch.
Walk with H after tea. The Davies &
Mr Wilkinson & the Breasteds &
Miss Roman arrived.
H & I to tea with the Garrys. To Bank.
Mr & Mrs Murray Graham to tea. Then
out with H. Out alone in morning.
Seven months. Out with H. in
morning to Indian, Japanese bazaar
Morning’s, Lawrence & Mayo. Drove to
Hamsawi to Japanese bazaar. Took
the 3 P.M. tram to Mena & walked up
to the Pyramids where the Dunhams
met us in the Ford & took us on
to the Reisner’s Camp. A lot of people
there. Mrs & Kathleen Gunn, Miss
Devonshire, Col & Mrs Holbrook & a girl,
Farida Foucart, & all the Reisner Camp.
Walked back to tram & drove back
from Pont des Anglais.
Day of Remembrance. To Mr Fitz-
gerald’s in the morning to get him to
witness my signature. To Drug Stores
Gannagé etc. Found Mr Balchin
here. He stayed to lunch until 3.15.
After tea H & I for a walk &
shopping. Mr Fitzgerald in after
H & I to tea with the Russells. The
Monteith Smiths, Mr Ross Taylor etc.
Walked back. Met Mr R. again.
H & I had tea with Capt Cresswell.
After dinner with Mrs Chapman, Miss
Fitzgibbon & Dr Garry. Contessa here.
To Consulate in morning.
H & I to call on Miss Place. Mr
Mackie there. Contessa here in morning.
with Mrs Wright.
Lady Laird Clowes in morning. To old
Brilli after. Drove & walked back.
After tea H & I to call on Miss Lattey
out. Hot. Delmar, Kodak, Greek grocer.
Writing letters all the morning.
After tea H & I to call on Miss Lattey. Out.
Mrs & Miss Horan called. After to
Gouda Farahat.
H & I by 3.30 train to Helouan. Mme.
de Cramer & Senator Adamoli got in
at Maadi. Tea with the Contessa. The
Neghibs, & Mrs Wright. Back by 6.15
train. Mrs W. too.
I to tea with Mrs Russell. Mr Hume
& Mr Trueman. H to tea at Sporting Club
with Mr Fitzgerald. Mr Carter arrived.
H & I to tea with the Khayatts. Lots of
people. Hassanein etc. Walked back
to Kasr en nil.
Miss Lattey & Miss Place to tea. Mr
Carter at our table. The Bernards ar-
rived from home. Sat next us. Mr
Fitzgerald in after dinner. Lord Carnar-
von arrived, with Lady Evelyn.
Mrs Devonshire came after tea. H &
I to Greek grocer about Mr Carter’s
whisky. He left for Luxor. The
Bernards & we dined together.
H & I to tea with Lady Clowes.
Walked back by Gezira. After dinner
to Lady Bernard’s sitting room.
Nelly Khyatt & Mr Buckley to tea.
Short walk after. With the Bs.
Cold, grey & windy. Mrs Wright & Mrs
Hooker called in morning. After tea
H & I to call on Eldon Scotts – out.
& the Phillips to enquire after their
motor accident. at home.
H & I to tea with Miss Lattey. For cigarettes.
The Allens arrived & sat at our table
for dinner. Afterwards H & I went
to the Metropole to see “Le Tombeau
Hindoue”. 1stPart.
We, Mr Fitzgerald & Miss Grove
started from here at 10 A.M. by car
to Sakkara, by Giza & Bedrashein.
To the Firth’s house & went over
the tombs of Mera & Ka gemni
with them & saw the diggings.
Lunched at the house & spent the
aft. in the miktib looking at
finds. Tea before 4 & started back
soon after 4. Arrived here at
5.30. Bernards as usual.
The Contessa came in morning.
She lunched with the Bernards.
After tea H & I to Miss Place with
photographs. I went to see Mrs
Eldon Scott in morning. A lady
& a man there.
Contessa here at 3.30. With her to
Pohoomul & Tana. She had tea with us.
Then we went to Miss Place. The Allens. Walk after. We dined
after dinner
at the Bernard’s table to meet the
After tea to Sednaoui & umbrella
shop. Then Miss Place with key.
Evg with Sir Edgar & the Allans. Lady B. ill.
To Bank in morning. Then to Museum
with wire from Mr Carter. Saying
“Discovery beyond the dreams of
avarice”. Met Mme de Cramer.
Mr & Mrs & Lady Laird-Clowes to tea.
Then to call on the Garrys. Mr & Mrs
Grant there. Caledonian Evening
& great party with the Allans.
Lady Bernard laid up with cold.
We tried to go to Mouski, but the King
at Al Azhar & could not get through, so
drove to Kasr en nil bridge & walked
to Boulac, & back by tram. After tea
to dentist to make appointment & then
we went with Mr Allan Nachmann’s
& to book binder. Sir Edgar & mewe to see
Part II of the “Indian Tomb.” Lady B.
laid up with bad cold. Bed very late.
Met Mrs Steevens.
H & I to tea with the Russells (Frank).
Various other people – Goldings etc. I had
an awful cold. Met the Waltons on way
back. Mr Travers Allan dined with us.
His cousin laid up. Sir E. with us at
dinner. Brother of Mikado arrived.
Morning in bed. Out with H after tea
looking at rugs. With Bernards & Allans
after dinner.
Aunt H’s birthday. Morning in bed,
but better. Then to umbrella man &
Sednaoui. Talk with Ld. Carnarvon
about wonderful find. He arrived from
Luxor this morning. Walk with H
after tea. Mr Hall & Mr Hauser arrived.
H to tea with Miss Place, also Mr
Hall & Mr Hauser. I went to the
Steevens. Mrs Compton brought me
back in her car. To Dentist.
H & I to tea with the Murray Grahams.
Mr Hall & Hauser left for Luxor.
Mr Carter lunched at our table. After
tea to Kodak & Nachmann.
Mr & Mrs Harry Russell & Mrs Wright
to tea. Mr Fitzgerald. Asked Lady
Bernard but she felt too seedy. H took
Mrs W. to umbrella man.
To tea with the Waltons & then to
the Khayatts.
To dentist, Mr Brett Day, in morning.
Also Bank. BPacking. After dinner
with the Bernards as usual, also
Mr Carter, Mr Fitzgerald, Mr Percy
White. All of us ill with bad colds.
The Contessa arrived, ill also. 108.
Packing. Tired & feeling very ill.
In aft to say goodbye to Contessa, Lady
Bernard. The Wilsons in hall &
Balchin. He came to the station to
see us off by the 8. P.M. train for
Luxor. Dinner on board. Very
Had an awful night of incessant
coughing. No sleep. Arrived 9.50.
To Winter Palace & saw the doctor – Dr
Deacon who stethoscoped me. H.
went to see the Breasteds on their
dahabeyah. They invited us to break-
fast, but I too seedy. Talking to
Mrs Chapman’s nurse, Miss Fitzgibbon.
Got across to Qurneh in time for
lunch. Cold windy day. Mr Hauser
& Mr Hall to receive us. Mr Aitken
in after lunch (Survey Dept.) To
bed as soon as boxes came.
Mrs Davies in to see me.
Got up for lunch – rather better.
Mrs Phillips in to see me in morning.
They are en route to Assuan by the
“Sudan” & had come to see the
Davies’. H over to see Mr Carter
after tea. Working in rooms in aft.
Very bad night coughing Up for lunch. Mr Hauser &
Hall left for Assuan at 8. A.M.
After lunch washed wardrobe. After
tea helped Harry catalogue prints. Cold.
H. over to Tombs of Kings in morning
to meet Mr Carter. H & I alone all day.
Carpenter in morning
Still coughing a lot. Sprained my
foot after lunch. Great pain. Aft. lying
down, but to dinner. H. & I alone.
Mr D. over to see H. Dusted books
in drawing room in morning. Had
my room washed & wardrobe moved
The Winlocks arrived in time for
lunch, bringing Dr Breasted & Jamie
with them for lunch & tea. After tea
H & I to Mr Carter’s & saw the King’s
Cup. Mr Callendar there. After dinner
Mr Carter came here.
Mr C. sent over curtain for me to
sew. Mr & Mrs Dunham & Mr
Amory Goddard to lunch until 3.30.
The Winlocks went over to see Tutankh-
aton. I for a walk to Der el Bahari.
The Winlocks brought back to tea Mr &
Mrs Breasted, Miss Roman, young B. & Jamie.
Painting my furniture in morning &
afternoon. Mr Carter sent over for me his
donkey to ride over & see “the” Tomb
Tutankhamen. Wonderful. Mr
Callendar there & later Dr & Mrs
Breasted & the little girl. Went over
the hill both ways. Mr Hauser &
Hall came back from Assuan. Mrs
W. & F. to the Davies’ for tea.
Walked Der-el-Bahari before tea & after &
to see Mrs Davies.
Painting Harry’s chest of drawers. Before
tea to top of cliff & met H & walked
back with him. Mr Carter to dinner.
Bad night with coughing. Painting
bookshelves. Carpenter arranged my
shelves. Walk across cultivation with
Mrs Winlock between lunch & tea.
The Mc Aldines called while we
were out.
Painting my shelves & table most of
day. Harry’s room colour-washed.
Miss Lattey, Mrs Hooker & Mrs Wright to
tea. Walked by Der el Bahari after & to
Mrs Davies’. Mrs W. seedy & not at dinner.
My green stuff arrived.
Gave Frances a Florentine leather
bag. H. gave her a hat. I walked
twice round by Der el Bahari. Mrs
W. in bed all day. To dinner the
Davies’, Mr Wilkinson, Mr Carter
& Mr Lucas. Mr Mace arrived
in the morning. H not over to
H & I to Luxor to lunch with the
Contessa at the Luxor Hotel. Miss
Lattey & Mrs Wright also. To W. P. first
& saw Dr Deacon, Mr Davies, Mr
Englebach, Mc Aldines & Mellins.
Then shopping, & again after wards
with the Contessa to Hassan’s etc.
Tea at the Luxor. Mrs Hooker invited
us, but we refused. Dr Madden (&
his son) over to see Mrs Winlock who
is in bed with Colitis. Back by moonlight.
Mr & Mrs Hooker here after lunch.
Young Madden to lunch. With Mrs
Winlock before tea & after dinner.
Walked over to the Tombs of the
Kings before tea & back with Harry.
Talking to Mr Lucas. With Mrs
Winlock after tea. Her temp. 100°. Mrs
Davies in.
No lunch. Mr Hornblower & Dr
Deacon here for lunch. Saw the
former. Miss Lattey & Mrs Wright
to tea. For a walk after by moon-
light to Ramesseum with Mr Hall.
Very hot day. 72° in my room.
Mr & Mrs Harry Russell & Miss
Dorrien Smith to lunch & tea.
My birthday. The Engelbachs to